- See CIP4 and PWG attendees above - Meeting called to order by Rainer Prosi at 10:30am US Eastern - Minutes based on notes taken by Rick during meeting - thanks!
- IEEE 1284 WG - late 1980's - IETF Printer Working Group - early 1990's -- LPD (RFC 1179) -- Printer MIB v1 (RFC 1759) -- Job Monitoring MIB (RFC 2707) -- Printer MIB v2 (RFC 3805) - delayed 7 years by IETF process failures -- Finisher MIB (RFC 3806) - delayed 5 years by IETF process failures -- Charset MIB (RFC 3808) - delayed 5 years by IETF process failures - IETF Internet Printing Protocol WG - late 1990's -- IPP/1.0 (RFC 2565/2566) - Experimental (Obsolete) -- IPP/1.1 (RFC 2910/2911) - Proposed Standard -- other IPP specs - later ones delayed years by IETF process failures - IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group - early 2000's to present -- IPP WG - 16 more IPP specs --- IPP Everywhere (PWG 5100.14) - secure mobile print w/ discovery -- Semantic Model WG - derived from IPP specs -- Imaging Device Security WG -- Cloud Imaging WG -- (omitted WIMS WG and MFD WG as unnecessary detail)
- Tom Hastings and Claudia did much of the original IPP to JDF mapping in the Open Printing WG Job Ticket API project (mid-2000's) - Rainer explained that JDF has two views of the world, intent and direct process control -- Which of these two JDF views is best suited to mapping to PWG? - Ira said intent was the typical IPP view (i.e., what, not how) -- Ira noted that IPP "job-actuals" and PWG SM Job Receipt record what was actually done in processing - Ira said that when IPP adds finishing features, the PWG aligns with JDF definitions when possible - Rainer showed JDF/PJT mapping table from PWG mapping spec -- Ira said the list on the right (PJT) is a complete list for PWG PJT -- Ira said the separate PJT spec defines required attributes - Ira mentioned PWG Media Standardized Names 2.0 -- Rainer agreed that IPP and JDF should use the same media names -- Ira said that PWG works closely w/ IANA to register IPP attribures -- Rainer said it is too late to put PWG Media Standardized Names 2.0 into JDF 1.5 (nearly complete), but CIP4 will look at it for JDF 1.6 -- Rainer said CIP4 ICS specs can specify strings for open JDF lists
- Ira said that IPP Everywhere defines and requires Bonjour (DNS-SD) and WS-Discovery support on all conforming printers and also recommends LDAP Printer Schema (RFC 3712 - now being updated for IPP Everywhere) - Rainer said that CIP4 is very interested in discovery protocols -- Ira said PWG and CIP4 should collaborate on discovery in the future
- Discussion of upcoming CIP4 and PWG face-to-face meetings -- Rainer expressed special interest in May PWG/OP meeting (after CIP4 meetings in March and April) - ACTION: Ira to send PWG meeting schedule links to CIP4 folks -- CLOSED
- Rainer asked if an XSL mapping file for JDF to PWG was a goal -- Ira said that an XSL translation was a great idea - Ira described the OP Job Ticket API library project -- Can read in a job ticket in one format into a neutral memory format -- Can write out a job ticket in another format
- Ira said there is joint PWG work w/ Broadband Forum to create a CWMP Printer Data Model via machine translation of PWG Semantic Model -- Ira mentioned that Thinxtream has prototyped machine translation and a CWMP Proxy
- Tim asked if the PWG IPP targeted variable data printing -- Ira said no - done in network printers via JDF or proprietary means - Tim asked if PWG needed a mapping of advanced JDF features -- Ira said no, we don't need advanced JDF features in IPP/PJT
- Rainer asked what PWG timeframe is for JDF/PJT mapping -- Ira said SM Charter shows Q2 2014 for prototype ready Mapping v1.0
- Tim asked about IP agreements for CIP4 liaison work -- Rainer said that PWG may already be an associate member of CIP4 (but they aren't in fact) - Ira said that PWG IP rules are that all working drafts are public -- Rainer said that anything discussed at CIP4 meetings is public -- Tentative consensus that PWG and CIP4 IP policies are compatible - Ira said that all PWG meetings are open to non-members and that non-members can edit or contribute to any PWG spec
- Rainer said he understands that the PWG request is for PWG to do work and someone from CIP4 JDF community to review it and validate mapping -- Ira said that is correct
- Meeting adjourned by Rainer Prosi at 11:30am US Eastern