Meeting called to order by Ira McDonald at approximately 6pm US EST 15
January 2007 (new time, one hour later). Minutes taken by Ira McDonald.
Norm Jacobs (Sun)
Till Kamppeter (FSG)
Ira McDonald (High North) - FSG/OP Steering Committee Chair
Glen Petrie (Epson) - cameo appearance at end of meeting
Osamu Mihara (Fuji Xerox)
Keisho Shida (Canon)
Yasumasa Toratani (Canon)
(1) Review minutes of last FSG/OP SC meeting at in the files FSGOP-SC-Minutes-20061130.htm/pdf
- Discussion - deferred until next FSG/OP SC meeting
(2) Reports from OSDL Desktop Architects Meeting - 7-8 December 2006
- Till - comments - OSDL DAM3 Summary (John Cherry) at dam3_summary.pdf - Ira - action from OSDL Portland project for FSG/OP white paper - Analyze common print functionality in GTK+ and QT4 toolkits - Glen Petrie - we should expand white paper to _all_ OS platforms - per FSG/OP Architecture meeting - Thursday 11 January - Discussion - deferred until next FSG/OP SC meeting
(3) Schedule for face-to-face meetings - 2007
- FSG/OP - Piscataway, NJ (IEEE Headquarters) - 24-26 April 2007 - Joint Plenary IEEE-ISTO PWG / FSG OP - Thursday 26 April - Printing Summit - Montreal, CA (TBA) - 17-20 September 2007 - Joint Plenary IEEE-ISTO PWG / FSG OP - Thursday 20 September - Discussion - US participants _must_ have valid US passports to re-enter US - Non-US participants' Visa applications _should_ be easier - Next Steps - ACTION - Ira and Till - Work w/ Janet Sun (FSG) to find a university site per PWG Steering Committee meeting - Thursday 4 January 2007
(4) Schedule for PDAPI/1.0 (Vector Printer Driver API - aka OPVP)
- Discussion - Michael Sweet - requested better English and a model section - deferred until next FSG/OP SC meeting - Next Steps - ACTION - every SC member - Write up your PDAPI editorial comments - February SC meeting - review these comments and schedule final PDAPI/1.0 draft
(5) Future directions for FSG Open Printing - 2007 to 2009
- Ira - sent email proposal - Monday 15 January - Discussion - deferred until next FSG/OP SC meeting - Next Steps - ACTION - every SC member - suggested by Shida - Write up your FSG/OP mid-term vision/plan (2007 to 2009) - February SC meeting - review these plans and search for concensus
(6) Other printing news
- Till has moved with his wife to Coimbra, Portugal - same time as London (one hour _earlier_ than Paris) -
See 'ACTION' in agenda topics above
(1) Second 2007 meeting - note new time
- Monday 5 February 2007, Evening 3pm in San Francisco - US PST (Pacific Standard Time) 4pm in Colorado - US MST (Mountain Standard Time) 5pm in Chicago - US CST (Central Standard Time) 6pm in New York - US EST (Eastern Standard Time) 11pm in Coimbra, Portugal - WET (Western European Time) - Tuesday 6 February 2007, Morning 8am in Japan - JST (Japan Standard Time) Toll Free (866) 839-8145 Int'l (865) 524-6352 ACCESS Code: 7548766
(2) Third 2007 meeting - tentative
- Monday 5 March 2007, Evening US/Europe - Tuesday 6 March 2007, Morning Japan