Meeting was called to order at approximately 5pm US EDT, 6 November 2006
by Norm Jacobs (Chair, Sun).
Norm Jacobs (Sun) - FSG/OP Steering Committee Chair
Till Kamppeter (FSG)
Ira McDonald (High North) - Acting Secretary
Osamu Mihara (Fuji Xerox)
Glen Petrie (Epson)
Keisho Shida (Canon)
Yasumasa Toratani (Canon)
(1) Results of FSG/OP Printing Summit in Lexington
- No distribution, application, or toolkit people attended - No PDF, Ghostscript, and CUPS people attended - SC concensus - too much near-term focus on LSB 3.2 - Glen Petrie - need firm agenda next year several months early
(2) Standards process for FSG/OP PDAPI/1.0 (aka OPVP)
- SC concensus - send out for 30-day 'Public Review' - ACTION - FSG/OP Japan & Ira - write release request (see JTAPI) - ACTION - Ira - send to printing stds groups (FSG/PWG/JDF/etc) - SC concensus to appove at last 2006 teleconference, if possible - ACTION - SC - discuss approval at last 2006 meeting (see below)
(3) Schedule for 2007 for Vector Driver (PDAPI, aka OPVP)
- Completion of new PDAPI spec revision to add Text and Font APIs - Completion of new PDAPI prototype or reference implementation - ACTION - FSG/OP Japan - discuss later this week
(4) Schedule for 2007 for Print Channel Manager (PCMAPI)
- Completion of draft PCMAPI spec - Completion of draft PCMAPI prototype or reference implementation - ACTION - FSG/OP Japan - discuss later this week
(5) Schedule for 2007 Status Monitoring (SMAPI)
- Completion of new SMAPI spec revision to use PCMAPI - Completion of new SMAPI prototype or reference implementation - ACTION - FSG/OP Japan - discuss later this week
(6) Selection of 2007 FSG/OP Chair - Norm is retiring
- Discussion - Ira is only new chair volunteer to date - ACTION - Norm - send ballot and nominate Ira to SC mailing list - Does FSG have a process for chair selection? - Shida-san - ACTION - Ira - ask Jim Zemlin (FSG CEO) - Discussion on teleconference providers to 2007 - ACTION - Norm and Ira - check on Sun or other sponsors
(7) 2007 Roadmap for FSG/OP Project - future directions discussion
- 2007 Draft Roadmap - milestones in months or quarters - ACTION - Japan FSG/OP - Japan draft to SC by 30 November 2006 - ACTION - Ira - US/Europe draft to SC by 30 November 2006 - 2007 Final Roadmap - milestones in months or quarters - ACTION - SC - Approve roadmap at SC meeting on 8/9 January 2007 - Capabilities API - neutral for PPD, UPDF, etc. - ACTION - Wendy Phillips (Sun) - propose C header sketch - Discovery API - neutral for SNMP, LDAP, DNS-SD, SLP, etc. - ACTION - Ira McDonald - propose C header sketch
(8) Discussion of schedule for 2007 face-to-face meetings:
- FSG/OP Project joint meeting with IEEE-ISTO PWG - spring (April) - ACTION - Ira/Till - announce to Printing Architecture list - Printing Summit - fall (September or October) - ACTION - Ira/Till - announce to Printing Summit list
(9) Directory Structure and Hierarchy - for PPD and Driver files
- Discussion of next steps to move into LSB 3.2 - ACTION - Ira - ask Chris Yeoh - does FHS need help adding?
See 'ACTION' in agenda topics above
(1) Last 2006 meeting - NOTE - one week early
- Thursday, 30 November, Evening 2pm in San Francisco - US PST (Pacific Standard Time) 3pm in Colorado - US MST (Mountain Standard Time) 4pm in Chicago - US CST (Central Standard Time) 5pm in New York - US EST (Eastern Standard Time) 11pm in Paris - Europe CET (Central European Time) - Friday, 1 December, Morning 7am in Japan - JST (Japan Standard Time) Toll Free (866) 839-8145 Int'l (865) 524-6352 ACCESS Code: 7548766
(2) First 2007 meeting - NOTE - second week in January
- Monday 8 January 2007, Evening US/Europe - Tuesday 9 January 2007, Morning Japan