Meeting called to order by Ira McDonald at 1pm US EDT 31 March 2010.
Minutes taken by Ira McDonald.
Recording of this conference call will be archived at: OP-Summit-2010-Prep4-20100331.mp3Attendees
- Applications open until Thursday 8 April - Several weeks to decide and accept students
- One week before OPS, send a reminder to distro contacts - Peter - Customized reminders targeted to other communities, too - Ira - Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit schedule now complete - closing Summary Plenary probably right after lunch Friday - ACTION - Till - remind Angela to schedule Friday Summary Plenary - Open Printing schedule now complete - Joint meetings with Driver Backports and LSB groups scheduled - OP Japan Teleconference (Thursday evening, 7-10pm US PDT) - brief presentation on OP Japan activities - summary of OP Summit output for OP Japan members - OPS Wrap-up Summary (Friday morning, 1/2 hour) - Till - For Collaboration Summit Wrap-up (Friday early afternoon) - More discussion on any OPS topics (Friday later afternoon) - Screen-sharing tool for demos, slides, drawings, etc. - Peter - Possibly Webex (Linux, UNIX, MacOS, Windows clients) - Ira -
- Hosted by Sharp Labs America - - Cloud Printing and Mobile Printing will be major topics - new PWG IPP Everywhere project (now in Charter stage)
- Hosted by MPI Tech (AFP and IPDS output management solutions) - - Possible joint sessions with Open Printing WG? - Common Print Dialog - demonstrations and technical discussions - Mobile Printing - new PWG IPP Everywhere project - Cloud Printing - synergy with IPP Everywhere?