Meeting called to order by Ira McDonald at 3pm US EDT 11 July 2007.
Minutes taken by Ira McDonald.
Claudia Alimpich (Infoprint Solutions)
Till Kamppeter (Linux Foundation)
Ira McDonald (High North) - Chair - Open Printing
Glen Petrie (Epson)
(1) Vacation Report - Claudia Alimpich
- Summary - two-and-a-half glorious weeks - Italy - cities - Florence, Rome, Venice - Italy - countryside - Perugia - vineyards and famous chocolate! - - Switzerland - resorts - St. Moritz - - Germany - Munich - last day
(2) LF Summit Open Printing Report - Glen, Till, Ira
- Discussion - API/ABI instability in libraries and kernel is a major issue - Number of Linux distributions to test is a major issue - Formal external certification (ala MS/Apple) is unacceptable - Resolution - Self-certification is the best approach (see below)
(3) OP Embedded Printing Solution - Glen Petrie
- Discussion - Approach - pure Open Printing Architecture implementation - License - strong objections to GPL from Glen Petrie/others - Code - Glen hopes to work on soon - Resolution - All OP code/specs should use restricted MIT - no GPL pollution
(4) OP IJS/1.0 Spec - Glen Petrie
- Discussion - License - strong objections to GPL from Glen Petrie/others - Resolution - All OP code/specs should use restricted MIT - no GPL pollution
(5) "Self-Certification" of Printers and Print Drivers for POSIX/Linux
- Discussion - Self-certification is our goal - Glen Petrie - Vendors and ISVs could test their own hardware and software - Certification tool that an end-user could run for debugging - What are all the elements of the print chain? - What patches have been applied to elements of the print chain? - What can go wrong? - Need to develop an approach, design, test suites, and tools - ACTION - Ira - start this topic on mailing list - lead the writing task
(6) Printing Summit - Montreal - Till Kamppeter & Ira McDonald
- Printing Summit - Montreal, Canada - 24-27 September 2007 (English home page) - Ecole Polytechnique - professors/students/IT will attend - Ira working with Louis Desjardins (LGM) and Benoit Ozell (Poly) - IEEE/ISTO PWG - Montreal, Canada - 27-28 September 2007 - Joint Plenary IEEE-ISTO PWG / LF OP - Thursday 27 September - PWG working group meetings - Thursday/Friday 27-28 September - Discussion - Till - published Printing Summit invitation - Glen - OP Embedded Printing Solution is an important topic - Ira - Benoit Ozell is reserving two rooms (72 seats/24 seats) - ACTION - Till - continue to update Printing Summit agenda - Ira - follow up Benoit Ozell on facilities - Ira - follow up PWG to build online registration page
See 'ACTION' in agenda topics above
(1) Wednesday 25 July 2007
12:00-1:00 PM US Pacific time 1:00-2:00 PM US Mountain time 3:00-4:00 PM US Eastern time 8:00-9:00 PM Western European time USA Toll-free Number: 866-312-6342 Toll Number: 763-391-6805 Conference Code: 582 658 5482# If any problems occur with the main number (above), please use: Free Conference Backup Number: 712-580-0600 Conference Code: 839473#
(2) Wednesday 8 August - tentative